

Khaar - Traditional Assamese Cooking Soda

What and How to !!

Well Khaar is an integral part of Assamese cooking.
Ingredient : A small banana Tree and loads of fire.

Remove the outer most flaps of a banana tree. Take the inside flaps and open the tree up as much as you can. Cut then into strips and let them dry for a few days under the hot sun, unless they are almost dry and turns brown.
Now take these dry strips and burn into a heap of ash. Put this ash in a container, preferably a glass or china pot. Be care full not to pick up the dust. To avoid such problems, you can take a little big iron pot or a heavy earthen pot and burn the strips inside.

Take about 4 to 5 spoon of this ash and soak in about 500ml of water over night. Take a fine muslin cloth and separate the water and the residue. Now use this water as Khaar whenever needed. You can do the soaking process periodically. And store the dry ash for future use.

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