
Fish Curry... Granny Style.

As I have said many times that Assamese food is simple, and food in the villages is simpler. So here is one very simple fish curry. It's tasty, it's healthy and it's quick. You can refer to the glossary part for more clarity on the ingredients.

1. Fish (Rahu, Katla, Koi, Xingi, Magur) - 1 piece per person, fried.
2. Pre Boiled Potato - 1 medium sized per piece of fish. broken, but not meshed.
3. Onion - Chopped, for about 5 pieces one medium sized.
4. Ginger - 1/2 inch for 5 pieces, broken
5. Boiling water 3 times the amount of curry is needed.
6. Mustard Oil - 2 spoon
7. Salt, Turmeric - To taste

Heat a wok or any curry pan. Add the oil. Add the ginger and onion. Fry a little. Add the Potato , salt and turmeric and mix well. Fry till you get the flavour. Pour in all the water. You can add two green chillies to it. Once the curry bubbles, add the fish piece to it. Keep shimmering in a low medium flame till the curry reaches a consistency of your choice.
It's ready. Serve hot with rice and some bhaji.